Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Well, it's not Hogwarts

That's for sure. First day of school was today, and it actually wasn't too terribly bad. I really think that I'm going to like my writing through literature class, as well as my chorus class - my teacher is a new one, and he seems pretty damn cool to me. We're allowed to call him Mr. G, and for the purposes of this blog that's what I'm going to call him. I think I'm going to like that class best, maybe tied with writing through literature. Most my chorus class (me included) thinks that he's gay - not that we're bothered by it, we just want to know, you know? We're a school for the arts, so we're very tolerant and more accepting than most other schools, I think. But there's no way we'd ask - we're not going to be rude, and it's not really any of our business, even if we are dying to know.

And this yer my plan is to try to be much more organized and well rounded than I was last year. I don't want to sacrifice my free time outside of school, but this is my junior year, and I HAVE to get good grades. I seriously might just die if I don't - cause this is, of course, the year they count for college. That kind of sucks, but I mean I knew that life was going to catch up with me eventually... anyways.

I woke up this morning nervous about my junior year. The first thing I told myself was "there's no use in being scared", and quickly realized that I was right. There really isn't any use in being scared - there might be reason for it, sure, but no use. And after that I felt okay. Hopefully I've found my new mantra for the new school year - gotta love it.

- Georgiana <3

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