Saturday, June 26, 2010


Sometimes I feel really left out. I don't think that I would honestly ever say that I did... just because if I said something about it, I think that I would make other people feel bad. I don't want to make other people feel bad, so I don't say anything. But I still feel left out.

- Georgiana <3.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

When I rule the world, I'll plant flowers

The beginning of summer vacation really isn't boding well for me so far - see, I can understand having no plans and being ridiculously bored at he end of the summer - you know, that point in time right at the end of summer vacation where for some reason, some mad part of your brain actually wants to return to school? Yeah, that part. However, I'm pretty sure that when you start to get that feeling three days into summer vacation, you're gonna have a problem. I wish I had more plans, but unfortunately I don't. My best friend lives across town and her mom, for whatever reason, won't even let her come to my house yet. That really pisses me off. What's worse, is that my fourteen year old brother has people over at the house every day - his friends all live in our neighborhood. Now that just isn't fair. I know that it's not like he means to do it, but in a way, it's almost taunting. Ridiculous, isn't it?

The most that I can say that I've done yet in terms of things that could be considered "fun" is that I went out with my mom: we saw the new Karate Kid last night at like Midnight, and my mom was shocked to learn that I had never seen the original. To be honest, I kind of wanted to laugh and say "Uh, well, you were there through my whole childhood, so you think that you'd be aware of that."

It was a good movie though, or I definitely thought so; a little long, perhaps, but that might have been because I sat there in my seat, on the very edge, while I watched the movie, even though I really had to use the bathroom - so if it was that good, eh, forget the fact that it was long. I'd recommend it. We went out to eat at Rockfish, and tried oyster nachos, which I found that I actually really loved. My mom bought me a dress and a gorgeous pair of boots at Urban Outfitters and then three Alice in Wonderland t-shirts from Hot Topic - although we found out that my favorite store clerk and friend, Sarah, got moved to a different city... that made me sad. And then, last but not least: my mom and I cannot go to the mall without going to Barnes and Noble. It's just physically impossible.

However, when I went to purchase my books of choice, the cashier started rambling onto me about what college I was in... uh... I was a little confused and had to explain to him that I was only a rising junior in high school. You know, that was when HE started to look a little confused, because apparently my books of choice are rather unusual "light reading" for someone my age, big shocker there. I bought Dante's Inferno, Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie, The Color of Water by James McBride, a book of selected poems by Alfred Lord Tennyson, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith, and The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor. Also, I bought an Alice in Wonderland coloring book.You would think that have been clue enough that I was younger than I looked... either that, or for some reason he thought I was a single mother. Who am I to know?

Anyways, I know that i have half a dozen books somewhere in my house to which I would have loved to read, but instead they gather dust... why is that? Well, because during the school year, time is a mean thing that comes back to bite you on the ass. Hopefully I will have time this summer to put a prominent dent in that pile of books. Summer reading, here I come!

Friday, June 11, 2010

I can see what they don't see in you.

And finally, school is OVER. DONE. HALLELUJAH. Good bye, sophomore year and hello junior year. Granted, I doubt that they'll be that much different, one from the other, but so long as I don't get the same math teacher I had last year (considering she also teaches Algebra II, and I PASS GEOMETRY!) I think I'll be fine. Besides, we already know at least one thing for sure and that is that one of my electives next year is most definitely Writing through Literature. As if that weren't the most awesome, spectacular thing on the face of the planet, it gets better: I'm in the same class as Kelly! YAY. I didn't have a class with my best friend sophomore year and let me tell you, that is a pain in my arse. Just saying. But we did have lunch together, so hopefully we'll have lunch together this up-and-coming year too.

So I passed all of my exams. I passed all my classes. I waited and waited for summer to arrive, and now that it's finally here, I find myself with no plans. At all. No, really, all summer, as far as I am aware, I have no plans - not even so much as a haircut. That's rather depressing if you ask me. Now, see, I have no problems in lounging around my house and doing nothing... but if I do that for too long, I might end up going more insane than I already am, and we just can't have that, for the safety of others and myself. I'm hopefully supposed to do something with Kelly this weekend, but only if Ms. T allows it, and I really hope that she does considering that it feels like I haven't seen Kelly (outside of school) in forever and a day. And if you are a teenager in high school, hopefully you can relate in me saying that seeing your friends in school is different in seeing them out of school.

I just started watching a new series, but I don't know if I'm going to like it or not. It's definitely interesting. I just... dunno. Meh, whatever. I'm watching it now, hopefully it'll turn into some new obsession or something.