Saturday, August 21, 2010

New blog look?

Eh I kind of like it. I love the banner. That took longer to make than I'd expected for it to, but hey, it came out pretty nice, didn't it? That's a rhetorical question by the way, and so there's no need for you to answer. Unless of course you really do like it to. Then you can shower me with compliments. Haha, kidding, but yeah, I like it. I went all purple-y. But I like purple, yeah, don't you? Again, rhetorical. Purple wins. End of story.

Anyways I figure I might as well go ahead and play around with it. I dunno why but there's something about it that I just can't get right, something about it that's always a little off from what I had actually wanted. It doesn't look bad or anything like that, it just wasn't exactly what I'd been picturing. -sigh- Oh well. It's good enough at least. And it's not like I'm doing anything else at the moment but just sitting here anyways. I painted my fingernails black earlier today and my toenails are sparkly purple (Told you purple wins).

I've got an icy hot patch slapped on my back, because lets face it, back pain is a bitch - and yes, teenagers do get back pain, someone I was talking to the other day, an older lady, seemed surprised by this, and I was like "no shit, sherlock." Of course I didn't say that, I've got more respect for my elders - most of the time at least - but I was just shocked. That's like thinking that only old people have arthritis. That's just stupid - my cousin has it and she isn't even thirty yet. I mean, it's just stupid. Whatever.

I've actually managed to be eating properly the past few weeks and I'm glad of it, and i hope that I keep the streak up. Open house is on Monday, hurrah I guess. I have GOT to get out of that Gargoyle's math class or I'll die, I am NOT dealing with her two years in a row. And I want Honors US history so bad, dammit, I hope we can fix those two details, I mean, seriously. I've got a reeses and a kit kat with me right now, so yay for that. I wish light reflecting off my cell would stop playing tricks on me and making me think I have a text message, because that's getting old. I've finished my summer assignment but read no other books yet this summer, which makes me sad, because I was looking forward to that.

School starts Wednesday and then I'll be back to the monotonous routine of waking up in the mornings, heading to that god forsaken establishment, and then coming home, doing homework, and doing it all over again the next day. And then they wonder why some teens are miserable all the time. Whatever. I think today went well but could have been better. I want to have an amazing day. I really do. Without drama, without panic, even for a moment - I just want to have an amazing day. God, what I would give to have an amazing go at school this year - especially the first week though, dear God help me with the first week. I think if I can just get through that, I'll be setting myself up for a good year. I seriously think that I want to re-read the Harry Potter series from start to finish, for real. I'd have to go and find my copies of all the earlier books though, I think they're downstairs on the family shelves.

And this comes to mind immediately mostly because of the fact that ABC Family is showing their Harry Potter weekend thing that seems to crop up every few weeks or so - they're big on that, and I'm glad, I just wish they were a little more well spaced out? If that even makes any sense. God I've been sneezing a lot lately and I hope I don't have a cold. At the moment I just kind of want to breathe in the smell of menthol and just kind of hold it in my nostrils, rawr. And I keep listening to Freedom by George Michaels and Everybody Wants to Rule the World by Tears For Fears, and its like... woah. Blast from the past. And so I think that just about sums it up at the moment. Go me, haha.

- Georgiana. <3

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