Saturday, September 11, 2010

Never sure what to say

September 11th, 2001.
I was in second grade, and to be honest I don't remember all that much about it. I do remember a few flashes of things but nothing much as a whole. I remember that we were doing something in my classroom - I'm not sure what it was, but we were definitely in class, not at recess or at specials... And then I remember that everyone was shouting about turning on the T.V.'s in the classrooms, and I don't remember my classmates reactions, but mostly I think we were all just confused. I don't think that we understood what was going on. But a lot of the teachers were crying, just... openly sobbing. We all got sent home early that day, and even when I did get home I didn't understand it. It's sad, because thinking back on it, I think most the younger students like myself were happy that day just because they got to leave school early; they couldn't even begin to comprehend what had happened.

Today I look back on it and sometimes I just want to cry. It's not like this was something that happened so far back in time that I wasn't around when it occurred: it's not like the Holocaust or Vietnam, or anything like that - I was actually there for this. And I didn't even understand it. My mother at the time was just getting out of being a fire marshal and into teaching. I know we don't live in New York, but I'm so glad that my mother wasn't firefighting at that time anyways. It would have made me just want to cry more than I already do at the thought of it all. It's just not fair.

Then I hear things about some pastor wanting to burn copies of the Qu'ran and I think... well, that's awfully stupid of you. Way to fix the problem (and I hope you're sensing my sarcasm through text). Yes, we were attacked. But were we attacked for our religion or for our nationality? If it's for our religion, were we attacked by another religion, or by another nationality? There's so much that I want to say, so much that I want to express that I'm just... I'm not sure how to phrase it. Whenever I try to phrase what I want to say I feel as if I sound uninformed or ignorant; and it's not that at all, or at least I should hope not. I just can't seem to say it. The most that I have worked out is this:

- You're entitled to believe what you want and no one should force you to believe what they believe.
- Sometimes, things are "right" for one person, but they don't fit with another. We may all come from the same mold, but the embellishments to each of us are different and are formed as we grow and learn.
- A select group of people does not reflect the views of a majority, the one exception being perhaps the Electoral College and THOSE people do not count because they are elected by a majority. No majority of people should be ostracized or punished because of a select group of people that happen to branch off from that majority.
- There is honestly no sense in violence, ever. The only reason that it happens is because one person starts it usually for no reason or for a lack-luster excuse that they happen to have (this does not mean that violence is necessary, it is an option they choose). From then, others feel the need to retaliate, whether to "prove a point" or for defense. And then it becomes a battle that truly lacks reason.
- Revenge does nothing good. Stop fooling yourself.
- Your way is not the only way: Get the f*ck over it.
- Get some perspective. All of you.
- Last but not least, if it's so Christian to turn the other cheek... why didn't we?

My prayers and thoughts go out to the families and friends who lost loved ones in the 9/11 attacks of '01. Perhaps the thoughts and prayers of a sixteen year old high school student don't mean much... but regardless, they're there.

- Georgiana <3.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Saturday [With Little Creative License]

I honestly haven't the slightest clue of what else to write about today except for just one thing: I can't wait for cooler weather. It's September the fourth and our highs are still in the 80's-90's, and to be honest I just hate hot weather. Seriously? It's just irritating to me. I've always preferred being cold to being hot, though being comfortable is most preferred over all. But if I had to pick the extremes (or extremes for my geographical region, at least), I would prefer the cold. Thank God fall is on the way. Jeans and turtlenecks: I miss you.

- Georgiana <3