Tuesday, October 12, 2010

You are driving me absolutely crazy. I'm sorry, I am, because chances are if you knew I felt this way and I said it out loud, you would start to cry. Any time I ever try to express how I feel about something honestly, even when I'm being gentle about it, you STILL find a way to make it something HUGE, and turn me into the bad guy for feeling the way I do. I'm SORRY. But you know what, just because I move on from the subject doesn't mean that I feel any differently. I'm just not talking about it anymore, because apparently if I express myself I risk you bursting into tears. It drives me insane.

And then there's the fact that you keep walking back into things that do NOT need to be walked into. You walk right into them. Do you not learn your lesson the first time? Do you just not learn it, or are you ignoring it? Are you blinded by faith? Or are you a masochist? Because if that's it, I can't DEAL with it anymore. I just can't. It's not just you that's affected by it, you know, the people around you suffer too.

I just can't take it anymore. I love you tons and tons and tons. I'd do anything for you... but I just can't seem to catch a break.

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